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Olly Bridge
Jun 21, 20211 min read
Exercise during childhood affects the development of cognitive functions
Research over the previous decade has shown that exercise during childhood affects the development of cognitive functions. Recent...

Olly Bridge
Jun 19, 20212 min read
My mental health program to get me out of my COVID-19 slump!
I was chatting to a friend recently about this and I thought that it was worthwhile referencing it here on my blog too. I get frustrated...

Olly Bridge
Jun 16, 20211 min read
I've been saying this for over a decade now...corporate wellbeing tokenism needs to stop!
Recently the Amazon "WorkingWell" program has been copping a bit of flack, its AmaZen booths in their distribution centres have been...

Olly Bridge
May 7, 20219 min read
I can't wait until lunchtime today....
I'm just about to break my 120 hour fast that I do once a quarter...and I feel great. Now I'm not suggesting everyone does this and no...

Olly Bridge
Apr 15, 20211 min read
$1.5 Trillion...says with little finger raised to side of mouth and eyebrow raised...
Health and wellbeing is not a bad industry to be in right now :-) Let's just make sure that this money is being spent on things that will...

Olly Bridge
Apr 7, 20212 min read
A revolutionary moment in the world's history is a time for revolutions, not for patching!
What has been the role of digital tools for mental health during the pandemic thus far, and how might it help health services identify...

Olly Bridge
Apr 1, 20211 min read
Virtual care is here to stay, but not everyone has the technology to support these breakthroughs...
60% of patients want to use technology more for their healthcare and 9 out of 10 patients said the quality of care was “as good or...

Olly Bridge
Mar 29, 20213 min read
As I brush my teeth tonight…
I have the pleasure of being a Drive Against Depression (DAD) mental wellness network practitioner. Yesterday was the Autumn Drive Day...

Olly Bridge
Mar 23, 20211 min read
How the mission you're on can bring a lump to your throat...
If you've not seen this, I recommend grabbing a brew and having a quick watch. As a father of 2 and a carer of elderly parents this...

Olly Bridge
Mar 18, 20212 min read
Being 'deliberate' and purposeful when returning to the office...
I LOVE this idea: "The health insurer Humana took advantage of mild weather in Louisville, Kentucky, and created pop-up outdoor offices...

Olly Bridge
Jan 21, 20211 min read
It really gets back to engaging with staff early and being clear on what you're trying to achieve...
How are you feeling about your new working hybrid? Will you continue to work from home exclusively or do a blended model? I'm hearing...

Olly Bridge
Dec 14, 20201 min read
Increased Social Media Use Linked to Developing Depression - important research findings!
“Most prior work in this area has left us with the chicken-and-egg question,” said Dr. Brian Primack, dean of the College of Education...

Olly Bridge
Dec 14, 20201 min read
So much good stuff in this McKinsey article, it's hard to pick out just a few...focus on the 'Human'
"A third in the Asia–Pacific region report symptoms of burnout. Successful organizations in the future will need to be intensely human,...

Olly Bridge
Dec 9, 20201 min read
They say the 'Magic happens outside of your comfort zone'...
Well, we will see if that is true, as this is me living outside of mine. As a self-deprecating Englishman, this kind of self-promotion is...

Olly Bridge
Dec 7, 20201 min read
I think this article needs to be renamed...
This article has some great advice

Olly Bridge
Dec 2, 20201 min read
What if your workplace wellbeing program treated you with 'Love and Respect'...
Have a listen and let me know your thought...

Olly Bridge
Nov 30, 20201 min read
Would you play a fun social sport for a $25,000 pay rise?
A new study from the Lancet analysing data about the physical behavior and mental mood of over 1.2 million Americans found that...

Olly Bridge
Nov 27, 20201 min read
This is why I do what I do...
I posted on LinkedIn last week that I had a 'big week' this week, working with multiple client groups. Well, as the week draws to an...

Olly Bridge
Nov 26, 20201 min read
"This flexibility will be great from a scientific productivity viewpoint but also work-life balance"
The above is just one perspective from this great article from ABC. Interested in your thoughts...

Olly Bridge
Nov 24, 20201 min read
Proud to have sat on the Health Research Governance Committee of the MBHF during my time @ Medibank.
The Medibank Better Health Foundation (MBHF) is committed to better health outcomes for all Australians and it funds research into key...
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