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Olly Bridge
Nov 23, 20201 min read
"Busted dreams and expanded jeans"...👂listen to this podcast
I had the absolute pleasure of joining Josh Lambert, Director of Pinnacle Health Group, to chat about my philosophy around wellbeing and...

Olly Bridge
Nov 19, 20201 min read
Coronavirus-related mental illness won't peak until mid next year, mental health expert warns
As a father of 2 the fact that mental health expert Professor Ian Hickie has warned that without urgent interventions, more young people...

Olly Bridge
Nov 18, 20201 min read
For anyone that has hit the 6-month lockdown wall...
After spending plenty of time in disaster zones, Aisha Ahmad has some great advice here for us trying to navigate this race that seemed...

Olly Bridge
Nov 17, 20201 min read
In these unprecedented times, well-being isn’t something we can outsource.
Love these simple but powerful recommendations from Jen Fisher - Set priorities Involve others Schedule it Allow for failure Revisit your...

Olly Bridge
Nov 16, 20202 min read
What makes a good listener?
After monitoring around 3,500 conversations HBR grouped key active-listening traites into four main findings: Good listening is much more...

Olly Bridge
Nov 12, 20201 min read
As humans we crave Connection & Trust first...
I saw this and thought I would share, as it goes to the core of us as humans and somewhere along the lines 'Corporates' forgot about the...

Olly Bridge
Nov 11, 20201 min read
10 major care-delivery trends accelerated by COVID-19
Virtual healthcare delivery is becoming a must. The divide between physical and digital care is blurring. 1. Virtual-first primary care...

Olly Bridge
Nov 10, 20202 min read
Tips for managing back-to-work anxiety
Following on from my blog post yesterday about anxiety related to COVID restrictions easing, here are some great tips from Beyond Blue...

Olly Bridge
Nov 10, 20201 min read
Some unwritten rules need to be written down...sometimes
If only this was the norm...

Olly Bridge
Nov 9, 20201 min read
"I’m reluctant to give up the cocoon I’ve built"
How are you coping with COVID19 restrictions lifting? Monash University head of psychiatry and One in Five spokesman Professor Suresh...

Olly Bridge
Nov 5, 20202 min read
Psychological workers compensation claims – have increased by 80%, rising an average of 22% YOY.
"The Allianz Future Thriving Workplaces report shows that workers compensation claim costs relating to mental health have increased by...

Olly Bridge
Nov 4, 20201 min read
Under Armour sells off MyFitnessPal for $345M a fair bit lower than the $475 million it paid in 2015
Not the result they were looking for here, but lots of movement in the space... "After watching from the sidelines as competitors Nike...

Olly Bridge
Nov 4, 20201 min read
Health apps now available on prescription in Germany
The move follows the launch of the Digital Healthcare Act (DVG) in 2019, which grants doctors in Germany permission to prescribe apps to...

Olly Bridge
Oct 29, 20201 min read
Workplace wellness programs could improve if more personalized
"A one-size-fits-all approach to nudging new behaviors within wellness programs can have limited success," said senior author Mitesh...

Olly Bridge
Oct 27, 20201 min read
Suicide now kills 9 people a day in Australia, with 7 being male.
The number of male suicides in 2019 rose to a record 2,502, up by more than 40% in the 10 years since 2009 (this data is all pre -...

Olly Bridge
Oct 16, 20201 min read
I'm trying to focus on the 4th 'B', but the first 3 'Bs' are all too real - which one are you today?
The four 'Bs' of COVID-19 Bored Burnt out Breakdown Blessing "People with strong social capital, say, tend to be more resilient in...

Olly Bridge
Oct 14, 20201 min read
How has exercise changed during COVID lockdowns?
Many of us have been moving less since the pandemic began. But some, including many older men and women, seem to be moving more. The...

Olly Bridge
Oct 8, 20201 min read
Illness Isn’t Weakness and Powering Through Isn’t Strength
Great article here from Arianna Huffington, whilst I don't want to get into the political conversation here, the headline spoke to me...

Olly Bridge
Sep 23, 20201 min read
For anyone who has heard one of my talks about gratitude rituals...
Emmons, a professor at the University of California, Davis, shared these research-based tips for reaping the greatest psychological...
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