Women who met minimum exercise guidelines before and after treatment were 55% less likely to have their cancer return and 68% less likely to die from their cancer. But even if a woman didn’t start exercising until after her treatment began, she was likely to experience benefits, with a 46% lower risk of her cancer returning and a 43% lower risk of dying.
The Physical Activity Guidelines for Australians recommend that adults engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity. Moderate-intensity exercises include brisk walking, light cycling, or playing doubles tennis.
Whilst a low proportion met the guidelines, more than half (55.4%) of 18-64 years olds undertook 150 minutes or more of exercise in the last week, excluding workplace physical activity, thereby meeting at least one of the recommendations of the physical activity guidelines. This proportion has remained unchanged since 2011-12 (54.5%). In 2017-18, similar proportions of men and women engaged in 150 or more minutes in the last week (56.1% and 54.7% respectively).
